Big Shoes…
It is a hard act to follow but here goes… I’m very pleased to be able to introduce myself as QER’s new Gladstone Site Superintendent.
Firstly, I’d like to thank my predecessor, Bruce Andersen and wish him and Anna well in retirement. I have known Bruce for a long time and have long admired his dedication to his role, to QER’s mission to help develop a new Australian industry, and to everyone he has worked with: his team and colleagues, contractors, community groups, and the many school and university students he has hosted at QER. He has worked hard to help QER achieve its goals while at the same time, giving back to the community and helping make Gladstone a better place to live.
I am strongly committed to carrying on that work and maintaining those relationships, but I know I have big boots to fill…
A little about me…I first came to Gladstone in 1982. I have spent my teenage years here growing up, completed a trade, got married to the love of my life Lani and had 2 beautiful children Lachlan and Niamh, all the while calling Gladstone home. We have seen the ups and downs of the town but have always considered ourselves lucky to live here, with so many great people, the beautiful natural environment and the many opportunities that Gladstone has given our family.
I was fortunate to be employed previously for 14 years with QER before working the past seven years for QCLNG as a Production Supervisor on Curtis Island.
Coming back to QER has felt like returning home to family. Over the years there have been many ups and downs on a challenging project – as there would be starting up any new industry. But I know that from day one, QER’s owners and management have been committed to doing the project well: making the safety of people the overriding priority; minimising impacts on the environment; consulting widely and maintaining strong, mutually beneficial relationships with the local community.
Our project will be an important one for Gladstone, Queensland and Australia. Even in the last week we’ve seen the overnight disruption of 5% of the world’s fuel supplies through the strife in Saudi Arabia. While we know this disruption is temporary, it shows just how fragile the world’s fuel supply network can be, and as a regional community, we know how heavily we rely on that fuel to keep our industries going, and to supply our families with the goods and produce that we sometimes take for granted. I’m proud to be part of a project that will help contribute to Australia’s fuel self-sufficiency and therefore the quality of life in our community for future generations.