After 21 years, 5040 Morning Coffees, 221,760 km travel
to and from work, and at least 10 forgotten lunches my
time at QER is coming to an end. I am retiring and whilst
it brings with it a sense of the unknown, it also provides
for a time of reflection of what was and an opportunity to
say some important thank-you(s).
To my number one, my rock, my partner in crime, Anna. From our time in Bundaberg and Emerald first starting out, to new beginnings in Boyne Island and then the big trip north to Gladstone where I started with QER then on to Colorado, Brisbane and back. You have always been by my side and provided unconditional support to allow these experiences to be so much more than just a job, they were an adventure.

To the Team at QER thank you for the opportunity to do something that I am passionate about every day. It’s been a privilege to be part of such a dynamic Team. I have always been motivated to do my best because, as a business, QER has provided a supportive, trusting and community focused culture.
To the Gladstone and the broader regional Community, thank you for allowing us to be engaged with you. I am grateful that the Public, Private and Environmental sector have all been honest encouraging and positive in their dealings with our organization. I am proud to leave the Business in a position where it can continue being relevant into the future and with the appointment of another passionate local, Nigel Clements now holding the reigns, I feel QER is in great hands.
So now to retirement; I am excited to travel, work on my motorbike, spend more time with family and friends and really no longer be tied to the Monday to Friday calendar. I consider myself fortunate to have lived the experiences I have this far and can’t wait to see what the next chapter brings.
Now, I just need one of the Grandkids to show me how to stop the alarm going off at 5 AM