Save a Life
Most of us have now settled in for another year, with kids excited to be back among their school friends, and mums and dads excited to be back at work (of course we are!).
Sadly for many Queenslander families, life will never be the same after this summer. 37 people have been killed on the State’s roads (compared to 20 the year before) and there were 35 drownings across the country.
It’s a sobering reminder of the need for road safety: avoiding the fatal five – speeding, drink driving, distractions like mobile phones, fatigue and not wearing seat belts.
It’s also a reminder about the need for vigilance around water too, especially for those with children or those who own pools.
Finally its a reminder to be prepared for emergencies. Most of us would feel pretty terrible if we witnessed an accident and didn’t know what to do to help. Unfortunately less than half our population are first-aid trained.
First aid and CPR are easy and inexpensive to learn. You might be able to do it through work, or there are lots of courses offered in Gladstone. Knowing what to do in an emergency could help you save a life: someone at work; someone on the road; or someone you love.
Like the ad says ACT NOW. What a great way to start your year!