Level 8, 193 North Quay, Brisbane QLD 4001
+61 7 3328 5000
Welcome to the New Year

Welcome to the New Year

Well, 2025 has arrived! Christmas is now but a past memory and some of us will no doubt be busy planning goals for the year ahead. Getting more exercise, losing some weight, and planning a holiday are just some of the new year resolutions that people will have.

January is also an important time for us here at QER. It is the time where we start carrying out programs and work for the upcoming year. We will be ramping up our research capabilities in our laboratory and we will be finalizing a new person to join our Laboratory team.

We will also be leveraging off our previous research and development work by designing a commercial scale low-temperature dryer in the coming year.

Some of you may remember the catchphrase from the Castrol TV advertisements from the 1980’s “Oils aint Oils, Sol”. Well, “Shale ain’t Shales” either. We are still learning lots of important and valuable information from our kerogen shale deposits that will help us deliver a world class resource for the future.

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