People interested in the development of Queensland’s rich oil shale deposits can now learn first-hand about the new processing plant operated by QER, following the opening of a Visitor Centre at the company’s New Fuels Development Centre at 375 Landing Road, Yarwun.
QER’s Pearce Bowman has said the Visitor Centre represents an important element in ensuring the community is kept up-to-date about QER’s plans and activities.
“The Visitor Centre will not only explain to people what QER is doing, but how we are doing it and, importantly, why Australia needs these resources to be developed if this country is to address its current and worsening oil supply shortfall,” Mr Bowman said. “The static displays and touch screen technology we have developed will allow visitors to learn more about why oil is so important to our everyday life as well as learn in detail about our oil shale technology demonstration plant and view high quality animations of the plant.”
“The Visitor Centre not only provides comprehensive but easy to understand information on our project, it will also serve as a venue for the local community to provide us with the feedback we need to ensure our operations and activities meet
community expectations and needs,” he said. Once operational, the technology demonstration plant will highlight the Paraho IITM technology QER has chosen for the processing of Queensland oil shale, and follows five years of testing and operations of a Paraho® pilot plant at Rifle, in Colorado, USA.
The Visitor Centre will be open to the public from 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, and from 12:30pm to 4.00pm on weekends and most public holidays.
For further information please contact us.
Ph: +61 7 4971 1200