QER strives to engage humbly and openly with the community and listen to people to make sure their views, interests, and goals are considered as we go about our activities. We are honest and open about plans and activities and proactive to address any concerns or issues that might arise. We strive to be a good neighbour, a good landholder, and a good customer, with a preference to use local suppliers whenever we can. We pay our bills promptly. We contribute to the life of the community through many events and organisations that make regional communities such special places to live.
Visitors Centre
QER has a comprehensive Visitors Centre at our New Fuels Development Centre near Gladstone. The Centre allows visitors to easily navigate a wide range of information and to gain a stronger understanding of kerogen shale, the technology we are using and our plans for the future. The Centre, at 375 Landing Road Yarwun, is open weekdays from 8am till 2pm and at other times by appointment – phone 0448 860 656. We welcome visits by individuals, community organisations and school groups.