Self-Sufficiency: An Australian Trait
As always, at this time of year, there is lots of reflection (and dare I say it, argument) about the qualities that make this such a great country. We often hear about mateship and the fair go. But one of our core values that doesn’t get so much air time, but which I think is also an important aspect of our character, is self-sufficiency. We’re proud of being able to make our own way in the world, making the best of whatever resources we have available.
The first Australians led the way – surviving and thriving in this great land for 60,000 years, skillfully drawing on the often harsh landscape. The early colonial explorers journeyed through the unfamiliar territory, carrying all they needed with them.
The first European settlers also had to quickly become self-sufficient, cut off from their home country by ten thousand miles of sea, battling heat and drought to eke out a living for their families. And over the next two centuries, people from around the world have come, sometimes with very little, and forged their path, to become part of our rich and diverse community.
As a nation we fought for our self-sufficiency. Even a decade after Federation we had to make the case that the young nation should have its own navy and not have to rely on the ‘mother country’.
So when QER talks about developing kerogen fuels to help make Australia more fuel self-sufficient, it makes me proud to be part of a long heritage of making the best of Australian resources though Australian hard work and ingenuity, to chart our own course in the world.
From all of us at QER, we hope you and your family have a great Australia Day weekend.