The Challenge of Making a Comeback
We often hear about rehabilitation in the media: criminals leaving their wicked ways behind them; TV stars rebuilding their lives after addiction; or sports stars coming back from injury. In the mining and resources sector, rehabilitation is about restoring a healthy ecosystem after mining.
An important aspect of QER’s planning and management involves filling the mine pit, revegetating the land and leaving behind a thriving, self-sustaining ecosystem.
Rehabilitation often involves re-seeding an area to restore native species. But where do those seeds come from? This past week we have had Cameron Sone from Native Seed Harvesting on site collecting seeds from several native Wattle species in native and rehabilitated areas.
As you can imagine, finding and collecting the seeds requires good knowledge; a lot of passion; and the resilience and dedication needed to work all day in the hot sun.
Cameron explained that the seeds are carefully processed through several steps and are then used in large commercial and industrial rehabilitation projects. Seeds are also used for public works projects such as roadside rehabilitation and river bank restoration.
Cameron indicated one of the biggest issues is getting access to suitable land with a good range of native flora. QER’s site is ideal. The process doesn’t harm the trees and we are happy to contribute towards the success of restoration projects which help to ensure ecological diversity.
If you have land where you are willing to allow seed collection, please ring Cameron at Native Seed Harvesting Specialist on 0401276188 and let him know.