This Too Shall Pass…
In recent weeks, we’ve witnessed the heartbreaking plight of so many Aussies as they struggle to come to terms with their losses in the bushfires. Many of those affected have toughed out a living on the land, grappling with droughts and fires and flood for years. Now, some have lost everything.
And yet in the midst of disaster, like a beacon of hope through the dark negativity and pettiness that often finds its way to our TV’s, we see the best of Australia: the courageous fire fighters; the stoic home owners pledging to rebuild; the caring volunteers; the tight communities working arm-in-arm.
I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on this resilience and courage which is such a hallmark of those who rely on the seasons to fashion a living from Australia’s often-parched soil. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been connecting up with some of QER’s neighbouring landholders. I’ve been inspired by their warm hospitality, their humour, their sense of community and their resilience and optimism in the face of daily challenges.
One of the great qualities of Australia’s rural communities is that through these tough times, they find a way to maintain hope, knowing the good times will come again. As Dorothea MacKellar put in her famous poem:
Core of my heart, my country!
Her pitiless blue sky,
When, sick at heart, around us
We see the cattle die
But then the grey clouds gather,
And we can bless again
The drumming of an army,
The steady soaking rain.
The challenge is to stay afloat until that rain comes: look after families, keep stock alive and make it to the other end of the dry, dark tunnel.
This week, QER donated $5000 to Rural Aid, a Queensland-based group which helps support Australia’s rural communities and Aussie farmers. They provide fodder, financial assistance, water and counselling in times of drought, flood and fire. It’s a small contribution, but if we all do our bit, we can help our rural communities through these challenging times. If you’d like to do your part, you can volunteer or donate at: or phone 1300 327624