Level 8, 193 North Quay, Brisbane QLD 4001
+61 7 3328 5000
Fuel for thought

The Trials and the Blessings of Life

It’s not very long since we were talking about the devastating impacts of drought and fires in this column. Now our friends and families to the North are grappling with the consequences of flooding.

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Mapping Out a Plan

Well we have survived the Christmas – New Year season. The rellies have returned home, we’ve got through the stifling heat, we’ve had way too much to eat, spent too much money and the kids go back to school next week. (Oh the joy!!!!)

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When Being Dense is a Good Thing…

Sometimes people ask me why QER is working to develop new sources of diesel and aviation fuel for transport while other transport energy alternatives – such as electric vehicles – are being developed. The reality is that different fuels have different strengths and weaknesses. And the big strength of diesel is that it has very high ‘energy density’.

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The Peace (and Wars) of Christmas

Well, Christmas is nearly here again and its that time when families get together in (for the most part) peace and harmony. Of course it’s never quite that simple. It always starts out pretty well.

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Our Country… Our Community

We are so fortunate to live in this beautiful part of the world, despite its harshness, as Dorothea Mackellar so beautifully expressed it in her famous poem “My Country”. But the beauty is not just in the landscape. It’s even more so in the spirit of our community.

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Snakes and Ladders

These days, you don’t often see the old game snakes and ladders, which is a shame because there are lessons in that game for life and business.

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State of Origin Reflections

I thought our State of Origin players did themselves proud on Sunday night, despite criticisms of a few armchair commentators. Of course there were a couple of little brain snaps – but that’s to be expected in such a pressure situation.

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Ecofest this Weekend

QER is again this year a proud sponsor and participant in Gladstone Ecofest. This year’s theme is ‘Turn a new leaf, love our reef’. It’s a terrific community event in which families, community groups, local business and industry come together to celebrate the amazing environment we live in and to focus on initiatives to keep it that way.

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Federal Government Recognizes Fuel Security Imperative

Perhaps the most important reason for QER to develop a Queensland kerogen fuels industry – starting here in Gladstone – is to help improve Australia’s fuel security situation. These days Australia is heavily dependent on oil and fuel imports to meet most of our freight, transport, agriculture, mining, defense and aviation needs.

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Lighting up the Harbour

Congratulations to everyone involved in this year’s Gladstone Harbour festival. The weekend was a great success and a credit to the organizers, the sponsors, and especially the many volunteers who freely give up so much time to make the event a success.

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