Level 8, 193 North Quay, Brisbane QLD 4001
+61 7 3328 5000
Fuel for thought

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, Oi, Oi!

Just like me, I imagine there are a lot of people cheering on the Aussies at the Olympics. I still find it fantastic that such a small population of people can provide so many champions across many different sports on the world stage.
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Fuel for thought

Celebrating First Nations

This coming week is NAIDOC week. In the Gladstone area where most of QER’s activities are centred, the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng and Taribelang Bunda peoples are the traditional custodians.
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Fuel for thought

Ecofest – Still the Best

Sunday Morning: just a hint of chill in the air under the crisp blue sky. We made our way along the verdant paths of the Toondoon Botanic Gardens, with a spring in our steps and a song in our hearts….
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Fuel for thought

Chook Sangers for Smoko, Mate?

QER recently had a group of visitors to our site from the U.S. and Canada. The group were keen to see our plant and infrastructure and were interested in finding out more about QER’s work in the local community.
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Fuel for thought

Eggcellent time to be in CQ

Easter has come and gone and now I am looking at the scales again after the Easter Bunny visit and eating my body weight in chocolate. It is also a great time to reflect on the past week of activities in CQ
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Fuel for thought

“Plan B” Matters

You might have heard about the two tourists who recently got lost on Cape York and only luckily managed to find their way to safety. I reminded me how important it is to have a back up – a “Plan B” if you like – when the stakes are high.
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Fuel for thought

Inspect-a-gadget buys local…

We have been carrying out lab trials over the last few weeks to test different process conditions which will help to maximise the energy efficiency of QER’s oil production process and minimise emissions.
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Fuel for thought

Happy New Year from QER

It’s that time of year again where we revive our New Year traditions. There are some pretty interesting ones around the world.
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Fuel for thought

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, Oi, Oi!

Just like me, I imagine there are a lot of people cheering on the Aussies at the Olympics. I still find it fantastic that such a small population of people can provide so many champions across many different sports on the world stage.
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Fuel for thought

Celebrating First Nations

This coming week is NAIDOC week. In the Gladstone area where most of QER’s activities are centred, the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng and Taribelang Bunda peoples are the traditional custodians.
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