Level 8, 193 North Quay, Brisbane QLD 4001
+61 7 3328 5000
Fuel for thought

Made in Gladstone, Australia

I’ve recently enjoyed welcoming a number of groups of tourists to our Yarwun visitor’s centre. Two things seem to resonate with them: the fresh homemade scones and that Australia could meet a significant part of our transport energy needs from right here in Gladstone.
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Fuel for thought

Volunteers – The heartbeat of local communities

I recently received a phone call from the Westowe Rural Fire Service on a Sunday afternoon notifying me of a bushfire adjacent to our site…….it occurred to me that here were a group of volunteers giving up their weekend and time to help protect life and property.
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Fuel for thought

How you do Anything…

There’s a good quote in the latest John Wick movie: “How you do anything, is how you do everything”. It’s true of life and I think true of running a world class operation.
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Fuel for thought

The Power of Focus…

While QER is not a big organization, we are committed to meeting and exceeding the same high safety standards as any mine or industrial facility in Queensland.
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Fuel for thought

Save a Life

Most of us have now settled in for another year, with kids excited to be back among their school friends, and mums and dads excited to be back as work (of course we are!). Sadly for many Queensland families, life will never be the same after this summer.
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Fuel for thought

Happy 2023!

Apparently, the practice of celebrating New Year on 1st January started around 46BC when Julius Caesar introduced the solar calendar. “January” was named after Janus – the god of gateways and new beginnings – who had one face that looked forward and the other that looked back.
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Fuel for thought

Are Geologists Becoming Extinct?

A geologist mate told the story of how a taxi driver once asked him what he did for a job. He said he was a geologist and the driver responded: “I always thought that’d be fascinating – studying the ancient Egyptians and that”. Just for the record, of course that’s not what geologists do.
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Fuel for thought

Ecofest – Still the Best

Sunday Morning: just a hint of chill in the air under the crisp blue sky. We made our way along the verdant paths of the Toondoon Botanic Gardens, with a spring in our steps and a song in our hearts….
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Fuel for thought

Chook Sangers for Smoko, Mate?

QER recently had a group of visitors to our site from the U.S. and Canada. The group were keen to see our plant and infrastructure and were interested in finding out more about QER’s work in the local community.
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Fuel for thought

Eggcellent time to be in CQ

Easter has come and gone and now I am looking at the scales again after the Easter Bunny visit and eating my body weight in chocolate. It is also a great time to reflect on the past week of activities in CQ
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