Level 8, 193 North Quay, Brisbane QLD 4001
+61 7 3328 5000
Fuel for thought

Sharing the Love

One of the Joys of my role at QER is being able to support some wonderful volunteer work in our community, which goes towards making Gladstone the special place it is.
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Fuel for thought

Angels? You Decide.

Last weekend I managed to get a leave pass to head off with a few of my QER and ex-QER mates and our trusty steeds for an overnight at the beautiful Royal Hotel at Gayndah. It was a great trip. I’ve never seen the country looking so green.
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Fuel for thought

Holiday from Hell

We recently set off for the Gold Coast for a couple of weeks of well-earned holiday. I’d pictured the idyllic setting in my mind. . . that first morning cuppa beside the van, looking out over tranquil waters under infinite blue skies; connecting with family; enjoying sunset beers at the waters edge with not a care in the world.
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Fuel for thought

Fire up the Planning

Recently we carried out a carefully controlled hazard reduction burn at our Yarwun site. Hazard reduction burning helps reduce the risk of potentially damaging, uncontrolled summer wildfires. Managing a controlled burn is a science and an art, requiring meticulous planning and careful management.
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Fuel for thought

Working without a net?

QER’s main purpose in life is to make sure Australians continue to have access to reliable, affordable transport fuel into the future. There is understandably a lot of buzz about how energy will transform into the future with the development and implementation of many new and emerging technologies.
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Fuel for thought

Gladstone’s Rich Ancient History

Ever wonder what it must have been like to live in the Gladstone Region before the arrival of Europeans? I recently participated in an indigenous history tour of the Mt Larcom area which provided an amazing glimpse into local indigenous history and culture.
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Fuel for thought

Ecofest Success

QER once again participated in Gladstone Ecofest this year. It’s a great opportunity for local residents, community groups and industry to come together to celebrate and focus on protecting the beautiful natural environment in which we are privileged to live.
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Fuel for thought

Our Town – Gladstone: Worth a Look

QER Gladstone featured in an episode of “Our Town” on Channel 7-2. The episode shows a number of industry and community groups, including QER, Rio Tinto, GPC and the Boyne-Tannum Hookup. It also showcases the Gladstone lifestyle which, I’ve got to say, looks fantastic.
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Fuel for thought

The Challenge of Making a Comeback

We often hear about rehabilitation in the media: criminals leaving their wicked ways behind them; TV stars rebuilding their lives after addiction; or sports stars coming back from injury. In the mining and resources sector, rehabilitation is about restoring a healthy ecosystem after mining.
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Fuel for thought

Made in Gladstone, Australia

I’ve recently enjoyed welcoming a number of groups of tourists to our Yarwun visitor’s centre. Two things seem to resonate with them: the fresh homemade scones and that Australia could meet a significant part of our transport energy needs from right here in Gladstone.
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Fuel for thought

Volunteers – The heartbeat of local communities

I recently received a phone call from the Westowe Rural Fire Service on a Sunday afternoon notifying me of a bushfire adjacent to our site…….it occurred to me that here were a group of volunteers giving up their weekend and time to help protect life and property.
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